In years past I would loose bills, forget about bills and frequently pay bills late. That is until I found my binder system!! Now my bills have a home and I have a system for filing and paying them that works for me.
I have 4 binders I use for bills and investments:
These binders are broken down by bill and at the front of each binder I have a form listing due dates, amounts due, dates paid and amounts paid. It's handy to have this information at-a-glance.
Each day when my mail arrives I go through it immediatly. I NEVER let it sit...that is to dangerous for me!! If it sits, it piles up!! I shred and recycle all junk mail first. Then I open all bills and 3-hole punch them, I keep my hole punch in the cabinet that house my Bill Binders. As I file each bill I write down the needed information on the form at the front of each binder. Checking this form is one of my MIT's listed on my Daily routine.
Now I always know where my bills are and I never pay bills late!!
Wow. This is amazing! Did it take you a long time to get this organized? I feel like to get to this point it would take me forever. Not to mention I get some statements online and never even see a physical bill. It is truly a great idea, though.