
Monday, March 15, 2010

Friend Makin' Monday

Go to aefilkins to join the fun and make new friends!

I peace.

I think....every cloud has a silver lining.

I folding laundry.
I dream....every night.  Makes for very restless sleep at times.
I want....enough money to go to Europe this September on a family girls trip with my sisters.  London, Paris, Venice, Florence, Rome...14 days...PLEASE!!!!!

I know...everything will be OK.

I don't like....bananas!  NASTY!!!

I vanilla.

I hear....Regis & Kelly.

I fear....being lonely.

I usually...take a HOT shower to relax at night.

I search...genealogy sites for long lost ancestors.

I first dog, Adeline everyday.  She was my first baby.  She was given to me by my Mom on my 17th birthday.  She passed away at the age of 16.....that was 5 years ago and I still miss her everyday!

I always...drink milk with dinner.

I regret....not having a better relationship with my Stepdad while he was alive.

I wonder....what the day will bring.

I crave....SALT!!

I remember...everything.  I have a REALLY good memory and can recall, in detail, events that took place when I was barely 2years old.

I need.....a housecleaner.

I forget....very little unfortunatly!  There are alot of things I wish I could forget!

I feel....blessed.

I anything I set my mind to.

I can't....dwell on the bad stuff.

I am my life!

I sunglasses frequently.

I sing....very loudly in the car, even when I'm not alone!

I country musice 90% of the time and classic rock 10% of the time.

I shop.....way to often.............Hello, my name is Hillary and I'm a shopaholic!

I eat....all the wrong things.
I family & friends.

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