
Monday, April 12, 2010

Getting to know you.

Another fun Blog Carnival.  Visit
Mann Land 5 to play along.

1. What color do you wear the most? Black

2. Would you rather have $10,000 dollars or a dream vacation? Today I would take the $10,000 to pay taxes, now if I had read this yesterday before tax bill arrived, I would have sayed dream vacation!

3. Do you have a weird, quirky or unusual habit? I talk  to myself..........outloud.  I'm taking complete conversations.

4. I really need to start..........? to make more money!

5. What was the first blog you ever read? The Pigbear about 3 years ago

6. Do you collect anything? Oh my, over the years I have collected soooo many things!  Barbies, Mary Moos, sea shells, books, stickers.......currently I'm not activily collecting anything...shocking!

7. How old were you when you had your first kiss? LOL!!! 16.  I was too afraid to before that!

8. Do you text/twitter while driving? I don't text or twitter ever.

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