
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A Confession

A subject I have never discussed here on This, That & Everything is that my husband is a diehard hunter.  I have not discussed it because I am opposed to hunting, it's just not my thing.  My husband owns his own company and hunting allows him to forget all the headaches of work and enjoy some time out doors. 
He grew up in a hunting home and began hunting at nine years old.  When he and I began dating I knew right away how important hunting was to him.  I even went hunting with him a few times!!  Shocking consideing I'm not much of a nature girl!!
When we had kids, and long before we had them, I knew my children would grow up very aware of guns and hunting. 
Our Boy went on his first duck hunting trip just after his 3rd birthday.

This photo was taken on Sunday.  He finally fits into the wadders his Grandpa bought him 2 years ago!

He has a love of hunting that surpasses his Dads!!

I think it's a boys love of mud and dirt, personally!
Note the dirt on his lip, not to mention the mud caked on his glasses!!

He was very proud of his mohawk.
Please note the filthy hand!!!

From October to February this is how my boys spend their weekends!

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