
Saturday, January 16, 2010

Feeling "Yuck!"

I have been feeling icky all energy, headaches frequently, sore throat, plugged ears.....just plain "Yuck." 
I didn't want another day to go by without some sort of blog post, even if I'm not feeling 100%. 

Yesterday while reading my usual blog stops for the day I read about this and decided to join, even if I'm a day late...

My Little Life

1. Worst trouble you ever got into as a teenager? Gosh, i was a pretty boring teenager and didn't really get into trouble.  The worst thing I think I ever did was go to a friends house at lunch and get into the licquor cabinet.  We  took several shots of some horrible liquid and then returned to school.  I had english right after math and I had to take a test.  I wasn't drunk, but very buzzed.  My teacher came by my desk and leaned over my shoulder and whispered "You should really start the test on the first page." and walked away.  I KNOW he knew I had been drinking but never said a word to me or anyone else.  I could have gotten in a lot of trouble!!  Thanks Mr. B!!!

2. Are you a morning person or a night person? Definetly a night person.  I dread the mornings and have my entire life.  Of my 4 children only one is a morning kid.  The other 3 sleep in!!

3. Are you a one-handed or a two-handed Texter? Due to my phone being from the stone-age I'm a one handed texture.

4. Democrat, Republican, or Independent..or maybe even Green Party (whatever that is).  Well let me see, I'm the daughter of a very liberal Democrate and I'm married to a very strict Republican.  To keep the waters calm I prefer to remain Independant!

5. Are you a pet person? If that pet is a dog, yes.  I don't care for cats and rodents should not be pets along with creepy-crawly-slithery creatures.

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