Ripley AKA Tiny

Ripley AKA Tiny
Age 1

Ryder AKA Wuppie

Ryder AKA Wuppie
Age 5

Adeline AKA Addie

Adeline AKA Addie
RIP 2005

Our Royal Family

Our Royal Family

The Prince

The Prince
Age 22

The Countessa

The Countessa
Age 22

The Duchess

The Duchess
Age 21

The Princess

The Princess
Age 19

Rio AKA Chubbs

Rio AKA Chubbs
RIP 2018

Maggie-May AKA Pretty-Girl

Maggie-May AKA Pretty-Girl
RIP 2023

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Allergy Season is upon us.

My Boy has severe hayfever and every spring we go through more allergy medication than you could possibly imagine.  This past week was no exception.

Hubby took the kids for a hike and about half an hour after they left, Hubby called and said "Get eye drops  and get the shower ready for The Boy!...Hurry, we'll be home in less than 5 minutes!."

I opened the front door and My Boy's eyes were more swollen they I have ever seen them.  I imediately put drops in his eyes, gave him Benadryl and had him get in the shower.  It took a full 24 hours for the swelling to go down.

This after only hiking for 10 minutes!  My poor Boy!


My Trendy Tykes said...

I feel his pain. Just looking at his pic made my eyes start watering. ACHOO!

My Trendy Tykes said...

By the way, I'm not sure if it is your template or what but posting comments is not very easy. There is no way to scroll down to enter the word verification. The only reason I got mine to appear is because I tabbed my way down there and hit enter. (Just a heads up!)