Ripley AKA Tiny

Ripley AKA Tiny
Age 1

Ryder AKA Wuppie

Ryder AKA Wuppie
Age 5

Adeline AKA Addie

Adeline AKA Addie
RIP 2005

Our Royal Family

Our Royal Family

The Prince

The Prince
Age 22

The Countessa

The Countessa
Age 22

The Duchess

The Duchess
Age 21

The Princess

The Princess
Age 19

Rio AKA Chubbs

Rio AKA Chubbs
RIP 2018

Maggie-May AKA Pretty-Girl

Maggie-May AKA Pretty-Girl
RIP 2023

Friday, May 7, 2010


Join in the fun at My Little Life.

1. What is your worst memory of your siblings? Oh My, I was the youngest of 5 kids, I was picked on quite a bit...............If I have to choose just one it would be my sister T smacking me in front of her friend.  I really hated T as a kid!

2. What was YOUR naughtiest childhood memory? (Must be something YOU did, no pawning it off on someone else!)  I cut a freinds hair!!  I got in HUGE trouble!  HUGE!!  I was 7yrs old.

3. Where do you like to go to relax? I love to take a looooong hot shower to relax.

4. What was the last thing you won?  hmmmmm, I really can't remember.

5. If you could be on a game show, which would you choose A Minute To Win It


Mama M. said...

Ooooh, I just saw "Minute to Win It" for the first time a few weeks ago!

Looked like crazy fun!