
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Ten on Tuesday........Just random thoughts.........Oh,and a GiveAway!!

1.  My little Princess went to the doctor yesterday and was given a clean bill of health!  YEAH!!

2. Through my genealogy research I have just discovered that Katherine Parr, last wife of Henry VIII was a distant cousin.  I decend from her maternal uncle Thomas Green!!  Her mother was Maud Green sister to Thomas Green!!  How cool is that!!!!

3.  It is mid-May and we have had rain for the past 2 days.  YUCK!!  A year ago today the temp was 93, today it's 56.  Atleast my yard is REALLY green and all my flowers are in full bloom.

4. I have My Boys first IEP meeting with the school staff on Thursday to find out what, if any, services will be provided to him next year to help improve his reading ability.  I'm a little on edge about this meeting.  As I stated here, We strongly feel he has dyslexia, and the likely hood of in school services being provided is pretty slim. 

5.   I can't beleive my kiddies have just a few more weeks of school.  I'm busy getting summer activites lined up.  I usually do various camps, but that's not in the budget this year, so I'm madly putting together little activites to do at home.  I'll be sharing them here once we get sure to check in to see our "Virtual Road Trip" across the USA learning about all the states. I also have some fun nature walk activites lined up.  In addition to a fun summer scrapbook each of the kids will be making as our summer progresses.  My girls are super excited and keep asking if we can start "NOW!" 

6. Thanks to the generosity of neighbors and friends I have not had to make dinner once since coming home from the hospital!  It's nice!  Although I feel kinda awkward accepting meals when The Princess is back to her healthy self.  My good friend say "Just enjoy it! People want to do it, let them do it!!"  Last night a fireman friend made us a yummy pasta dish, ceasar salad and homemade croutons......all of which he made himself and delivered himself.  His wife said he was so cute in the kitchen and wouldn't let her help at all.  Thanks Rich!!

7.  I cleaned out my closet yesterday and discovered...I need a new wardrobe!!  I also discovered I have not purchased a new article of clothing in almost 2 years.  YIKES!!  I definetly need some updated stuff.

8.  I saw a lady at the deli yesterday that had the CUTIEST purse.  I'm kicking myself that I didn't ask her where she got it.  It was super cute and as with my wardrobe, I need a new purse!

9.  Do you ever wish there was a master "customer card"?  You know the little cards you get from various stores that offer you discounts or custmoer rewards?  I have about 15 of these and let me tell's annoying!  I wish I could just pull out one card and be on my way, instead I have to sort through a stack to find the one I need.  I know it's a little thing, but it's the little things I find annoying!

10.  Remember this post?  Well, I did it!!  I got my hair cut!!  For fun I'm going to giveaway a $25 Target gift card to celebrate!!!  Just leave me a comment with your "Guess" of which hair do I chose!!  Entries accepted until 8pm Pacific Standard Time Friday May 21.  Winner annouced Monday May 24th!!


  1. I am going to guess hair do #3! Can't wait to see what you chose!

  2. I also think number 3. And yes number 4 is daring. I have long hair and just don't think I could do that.
