Ripley AKA Tiny

Ripley AKA Tiny
Age 1

Ryder AKA Wuppie

Ryder AKA Wuppie
Age 5

Adeline AKA Addie

Adeline AKA Addie
RIP 2005

Our Royal Family

Our Royal Family

The Prince

The Prince
Age 22

The Countessa

The Countessa
Age 22

The Duchess

The Duchess
Age 21

The Princess

The Princess
Age 19

Rio AKA Chubbs

Rio AKA Chubbs
RIP 2018

Maggie-May AKA Pretty-Girl

Maggie-May AKA Pretty-Girl
RIP 2023

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Boys of Fall

The last four weekends we have been devoted to football.  My Boy, who was a Corner Back last fall and for the past three weeks is now a Middle LInebacker.  This causes a bit more anxiety on my part.

My Boy weighs 60lbs, this makes him one of the three lightest kids on his team of 36 players.
He was in the Corner Back position becxause he is fast, however his head coach felt he was being wasted in that position because he is such a strong agressive player.

This translate into he see's ALOT more action as a Middle Linebacker, which in turn causes me to wring my hands on the sidelines when he goes down on a tackle waiting to see if he gets up injured or unijured.

I was VERY proud of him on this Sundays game.  He DID get hurt, got the wind knocked out of him and twisted his elbow, but he got right up, shock it off and said he was good to go.

His team is 4 and 0.  So far two of the teams they have played this year were teams they lost to last year, so I'm sure you could imagine how happy the players are about that.

Here's to another great game played by
The Pintos!!!!!!
Go Green and Gold!!!!!!!!!!