
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Their Eyes Were Watching God

Their Eyes Were Watching God

Every once in awhile I step out of my normal reading genres and find a book worth sharing.

Their Eyes Were Watching God is just such a book.  When I first stared reading it I though.....Oh good lord I'll never get through this, however I'm VERY pleased to say I got through it and what a joy it was!!

We first meet Janie Crawford, a black women in her 40's, when she returns to Eatonville, Florida in the mid 1930's.  She has returned after leaving town with a much younger man and all her neighbors are speculating on why she has returned WITHOUT the younger man.

As the book progresses, we hear from Janie herself the accounts of her life, starting at the time of her childhood living on a plantation with her Grandmother, up to her return to Eatonville. 

This is a very enduring love story, with a few twist on the "Happily Ever After" part.

I will admit the dialect takes some getting used to, but after a chapter or two it flows easily.

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