1. Is there something you've always wanted to try but just can't muster up the courage to actually do yet?
I've often thought of getting an anklet tatoo. I'm just not totally sure I want to permanently mark myself.
2. If you had $100 handed to you in cash without your significant other knowing about it, what would you spend it on? Most likely something at Target!! Not sure what, but I know I'd find something fun!!
3. What was your favorite piece of playground equipment as a child? I ALWAYS played on the bars and rings. My hands were a blistered callus mess. The Duchesses hands look like mine always did, she loves them too!!
4. Do you prefer a sweet or hearty breakfast? I'm not a big breakfast eater, but I lOVE bacon and eggs (over-easy) with country potatoes and sour dough toast with lots of butter!!! YUMMMMMM.
5. Are you a Neat Freak or a Messy Bessy? I'm my goodness, total Messy Bessy!!! I can't keep my room or my house clean for more then a day!! It's awful! I'd like to be a Neat Freak, but it requires time and dedication I just came seem to muster on a daily basis!!
Join in at Friday Fill-Ins
1. Bisquick Oven Baked Chicken -- the best food to take on a picnic.
2. Summer is my least favorite season.
3. I own atleast 2o pairs flip flops.
4. To love someone is to be alive.
5. I hate going on a long hike.
6. When I crave food, it's usually something salty....chips, sunflower seeds, nuts....
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to my daughters dance rehearsal, tomorrow my plans include attending my daughters dance recital and Sunday, I want to sleep in!!!!!!!!
I'm a Messy Bessy too... and now I am your latest follower! Thanks so much for following me! Your daughters are beautiful. :)
An anklet tattoo would hurt! haha.
I follow your blog from Friendly Friday (:
I am following your oh so cute site! thanks for hopping around with us this week! have a wonderful weekend! www.breebee.com
You are like my hubby..He always craves salty things :)
I am messy too(secret) LOL
Happy Blog hop Friday!!
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Gros bisous
Happy Memorial Day!
I’m following you now on Friendly Follow Friday--No. 33! Please follow me back on my blog “Inspire!”
My latest inspirational postings are, “The Triumphant Heart,” “Pure Love,” “Peace of Mind,” and “Simple Gesture.”
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