Ripley AKA Tiny

Ripley AKA Tiny
Age 1

Ryder AKA Wuppie

Ryder AKA Wuppie
Age 5

Adeline AKA Addie

Adeline AKA Addie
RIP 2005

Our Royal Family

Our Royal Family

The Prince

The Prince
Age 22

The Countessa

The Countessa
Age 22

The Duchess

The Duchess
Age 21

The Princess

The Princess
Age 19

Rio AKA Chubbs

Rio AKA Chubbs
RIP 2018

Maggie-May AKA Pretty-Girl

Maggie-May AKA Pretty-Girl
RIP 2023

Sunday, January 17, 2010

A milllion and one things to do................

Yep, I have a million and one things I could be doing, things I should be house looks as if Toys R Us has vomited up all over the place.  I have laundry piled up in my hallway that needs to be sorted and washed.  I have dishes piled in my kitchen sink.  My kitchen counter is so cluttered with stuff that I can't recall what color my counter actually is.  But............

My kids have been feed, they are content, they are playing, they are happy.......That's the important thing right!!??  Even if it's 1pm and they are still in their jammies!!

On a day like today when it's pouring down rain, it's cold, it's dreary, I tend to let my regular chores wait.  I really shouldn't because come tomorrow I have that much more I need to get done.   But still, I 'll put them off unmtil tomorrow and go watch Black Beauty with my girls....................