Ripley AKA Tiny

Ripley AKA Tiny
Age 1

Ryder AKA Wuppie

Ryder AKA Wuppie
Age 5

Adeline AKA Addie

Adeline AKA Addie
RIP 2005

Our Royal Family

Our Royal Family

The Prince

The Prince
Age 22

The Countessa

The Countessa
Age 22

The Duchess

The Duchess
Age 21

The Princess

The Princess
Age 19

Rio AKA Chubbs

Rio AKA Chubbs
RIP 2018

Maggie-May AKA Pretty-Girl

Maggie-May AKA Pretty-Girl
RIP 2023

Monday, April 12, 2010

Getting to know you.

Another fun Blog Carnival.  Visit
Mann Land 5 to play along.

1. What color do you wear the most? Black

2. Would you rather have $10,000 dollars or a dream vacation? Today I would take the $10,000 to pay taxes, now if I had read this yesterday before tax bill arrived, I would have sayed dream vacation!

3. Do you have a weird, quirky or unusual habit? I talk  to myself..........outloud.  I'm taking complete conversations.

4. I really need to start..........? to make more money!

5. What was the first blog you ever read? The Pigbear about 3 years ago

6. Do you collect anything? Oh my, over the years I have collected soooo many things!  Barbies, Mary Moos, sea shells, books, stickers.......currently I'm not activily collecting anything...shocking!

7. How old were you when you had your first kiss? LOL!!! 16.  I was too afraid to before that!

8. Do you text/twitter while driving? I don't text or twitter ever.