How about a 5QFriday for fun............

You can play too, just visit My Little Life for details
1. Would you rather be on ABC's Extreme Home MakeOver or TLC's What not to Wear?
WOW!!! REALLY...I have to CHOOSE!!! Uhgg!
Ok, let's talk this through a minute.....I would love, love,LOVE a new wardrobe...who wouldn't!! But if I'm being practical I would have to (reluctantly) chose Extreme Home MakeOver.
Reason being, I HATE my house.....specifically I hate, hate, HATE my kitchen!!! It is completely disfunctional! My house was built in 1962 when, apparently, people were VERY thin and families were the typicallly mom,dad and two kids. This house was certainly not built for a family of six...and a dog!!
Plus, I beleive builders back then felt waisted space was a GOOD it equalls DYSFUNCTION!!!
2. Do you have any tattoos?
Nope. Thought about it a time or two, but
3. Do you tell your kids about things you did growing up?
I do. I think it's important. Let me explain why I feel that way........My mom was nearly killed in a car accident at age 14. She had lied to my grandparents about where she was and who she was with at the time. Imagine their surprise when the police showed up at their door to inform them their daughter had been in an accident and wasn't beleived to live long due to her injuries. Next, My mom had a baby at 16 (got pregnant at 15) She then had 4 children by the time she was 20. (My Dad was 18 whe baby #1 was born).
I knew ALL this growing up plus much more and it made me think twice about lying to my mom and about having sex. I basically learned from her mistakes.
I have told all my kids about me being hit by a car at age 4 because I didn't look both ways before riding my bike out into the street. kids ALWAYS look both ways beofre going in the street. They have learned from my mistake.
As my kids get older I have no problem telling them things I did that are age appropriate to them. I would NEVER tell my 9yr olds now about my drunken high school escapades, but when they are in high school...absolutly.
I want them to know I am not perfectandhave made mistakes in my life and I want them to know it's OKto make mistakes, just try not to repeat my mistakes.
4. If the traffic signal turns yellow, do you stop or speed up?
I speed up. (hangs head)
If my kids are in the car they are very quick to point this out to me!
5. What's your preference: chocolate or chips?
Well that depends. If it's near that time of month......chips for sure. I crave salt like nothing else. But an just a regular day I'd prefer chocolate over chips.