And rain, and rain, and MORE rain!
It has rained more here in the last three days then it has rained in the last three months! We had a midafternon thunder storm pass over us yesterday and me girls were thrilled to have it occur during the dy instead of the middle of the night like it had the night before. Interesting how thunder is much more acceptable in the light of day.
I was awkened at 5am this moring when a huge gust of wind blew through my room, I had forgotten to close my bedroom window before I went to bed. My blinds went crashing about and papers flew everywhere off hubbies dresser. Quite a startling wake-up call, especially from a sound sleep.
Forcasters say 2 more storms are headed our way, but they should be less violent then todays storm. Currently our winds are gusting up to 60mph. Not good for tree's in very saturated ground! The news reports of tree's falling on houses the last few days is staggering. My heart goes out to the affected home owners.
I plan to spend the rest of today huddled nice a warm in my house working on some projects I've been putting off. What better time to do them then on a stormy day.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Sunday, January 17, 2010
A milllion and one things to do................
Yep, I have a million and one things I could be doing, things I should be house looks as if Toys R Us has vomited up all over the place. I have laundry piled up in my hallway that needs to be sorted and washed. I have dishes piled in my kitchen sink. My kitchen counter is so cluttered with stuff that I can't recall what color my counter actually is. But............
My kids have been feed, they are content, they are playing, they are happy.......That's the important thing right!!?? Even if it's 1pm and they are still in their jammies!!
On a day like today when it's pouring down rain, it's cold, it's dreary, I tend to let my regular chores wait. I really shouldn't because come tomorrow I have that much more I need to get done. But still, I 'll put them off unmtil tomorrow and go watch Black Beauty with my girls....................
My kids have been feed, they are content, they are playing, they are happy.......That's the important thing right!!?? Even if it's 1pm and they are still in their jammies!!
On a day like today when it's pouring down rain, it's cold, it's dreary, I tend to let my regular chores wait. I really shouldn't because come tomorrow I have that much more I need to get done. But still, I 'll put them off unmtil tomorrow and go watch Black Beauty with my girls....................
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Feeling "Yuck!"
I have been feeling icky all energy, headaches frequently, sore throat, plugged ears.....just plain "Yuck."
I didn't want another day to go by without some sort of blog post, even if I'm not feeling 100%.
Yesterday while reading my usual blog stops for the day I read about this and decided to join, even if I'm a day late...

1. Worst trouble you ever got into as a teenager? Gosh, i was a pretty boring teenager and didn't really get into trouble. The worst thing I think I ever did was go to a friends house at lunch and get into the licquor cabinet. We took several shots of some horrible liquid and then returned to school. I had english right after math and I had to take a test. I wasn't drunk, but very buzzed. My teacher came by my desk and leaned over my shoulder and whispered "You should really start the test on the first page." and walked away. I KNOW he knew I had been drinking but never said a word to me or anyone else. I could have gotten in a lot of trouble!! Thanks Mr. B!!!
2. Are you a morning person or a night person? Definetly a night person. I dread the mornings and have my entire life. Of my 4 children only one is a morning kid. The other 3 sleep in!!
3. Are you a one-handed or a two-handed Texter? Due to my phone being from the stone-age I'm a one handed texture.
4. Democrat, Republican, or Independent..or maybe even Green Party (whatever that is). Well let me see, I'm the daughter of a very liberal Democrate and I'm married to a very strict Republican. To keep the waters calm I prefer to remain Independant!
5. Are you a pet person? If that pet is a dog, yes. I don't care for cats and rodents should not be pets along with creepy-crawly-slithery creatures.
I didn't want another day to go by without some sort of blog post, even if I'm not feeling 100%.
Yesterday while reading my usual blog stops for the day I read about this and decided to join, even if I'm a day late...

1. Worst trouble you ever got into as a teenager? Gosh, i was a pretty boring teenager and didn't really get into trouble. The worst thing I think I ever did was go to a friends house at lunch and get into the licquor cabinet. We took several shots of some horrible liquid and then returned to school. I had english right after math and I had to take a test. I wasn't drunk, but very buzzed. My teacher came by my desk and leaned over my shoulder and whispered "You should really start the test on the first page." and walked away. I KNOW he knew I had been drinking but never said a word to me or anyone else. I could have gotten in a lot of trouble!! Thanks Mr. B!!!
2. Are you a morning person or a night person? Definetly a night person. I dread the mornings and have my entire life. Of my 4 children only one is a morning kid. The other 3 sleep in!!
3. Are you a one-handed or a two-handed Texter? Due to my phone being from the stone-age I'm a one handed texture.
4. Democrat, Republican, or Independent..or maybe even Green Party (whatever that is). Well let me see, I'm the daughter of a very liberal Democrate and I'm married to a very strict Republican. To keep the waters calm I prefer to remain Independant!
5. Are you a pet person? If that pet is a dog, yes. I don't care for cats and rodents should not be pets along with creepy-crawly-slithery creatures.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Hair Do's _ Votes needed!!
Another week of Friend Makin Mondays at aefilkens
This is perfect for me today!!!
I am in desperate need of a hair style change, please vote for one of the below do's to help me decide!!
My hair is currently waist length with no bangs.
I've been eyeing these hair do's...
Hair Do #1
I like the layering around her face.
Hair Do #2
Again I like the layering around her face.
Hair Do #3
I like the length here.
Hair Do #4
If I were really daring I'd do this.
What's your vote????
Thursday, January 7, 2010
A Thousand Words Thursday

A picture is worth a thousand words..............
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Medical Information Binders
I have learned over the past few months how important it is to keep medical record information contained and accessable at a moments notice. To acheive this I put together Medical Record Binders for each member of my household. These binders are broken down into the following catagories: Visits, Lab Work, Immunizations, Procedures, and Reciepts. At the front of each binder I have the medical record number, emergency contact information, allergies, current medications and a list for any OTC medications.
I have also put together a binder for my mother, who is currently under a doctors care for an on-going illness. It is such a valuable tool for my sisters and I, who take turns attending my mothers' appointments with her. It allows each of us to make notes of the appointment and have past notes handy. It also keeps each of us up to date on her care.

I have also put together a binder for my mother, who is currently under a doctors care for an on-going illness. It is such a valuable tool for my sisters and I, who take turns attending my mothers' appointments with her. It allows each of us to make notes of the appointment and have past notes handy. It also keeps each of us up to date on her care.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Tiny Talk Tuesday

A fun activity at Not Before 7:00 documenting the funny things kids say.
This story needs a little background info: My Son was playing around with Hubbies wallet; pretending to take money, looking at pictures. oh, and My son loves all things "cowboy."
Fast forward: We are at the gas station and Hubbie goes to pump gas. He opens his wallet and his Wells Fargo credit card is missing.
Hubbie opens the car door and looks at our Son "Did you take my card?"
Son "No."
Hubbie "Well it's not in here!"
Son "Did it have horses and a wagon on it?"
Hubbie "Yes!"
Son "Nope, haven't seen that one."
My kids and Hubbie are playing "Simon Says"
The Countessa says " Daddy you be the Simer now."
I hear The Princess get up about 3:45am and go into The Countessa's room Then I hear:
"Countessa what are you doing?"
"I'm sleeping!" The Countessa replies rather grumpily
"Do you want to color?" The Princess asks. At which point I enter the room and send The Princess back to bed. The Countessa never replies.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Friend Makin' Monday
Another fun week of Friend Makin' Monday.
Today's topic: Favorite photos from the holidays.
My 8 yr old "Preemie" holding up her stocking on her birthday. 8 Years earlier she fit inside that same stocking.
Visiting a local "Christmas House"
My girlies ready to go see the Nutcracker Ballet
The Duchess just hangin'
My Sion decorating his cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve
My kiddies bonding on Christmas Eve
Ready for bed on Christmas Eve
The Duchess opening her "Teacher's Supplies" from Santa. This photo doesn't do her excitment justice!
The Princess with her much wanted guitar. Thanks Auntie PamPay!!
And finally, the Biker Gang. Grammie got all 4 kiddies Razor 360 Big Wheels.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
12 minutes, 12 memories
For details about this activity visit Stacy Julians Sprinkles site.
Here are 12 photos from 2009 that make me smile... in no particular order
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Project Life By Becky Higgins
I was so happy to open my front door on December 30th to find the box sitting on my front porch!! YEAH!!! Just in time for the new year.
Last night I pulled all the kit contents out and started to assemble my album. The colors of this kit are absolutley beautiful!!
There are many different ways to use the kit, but I'm going to use it to chronicle one year of our life as a family. I still haven't decided whether to do it one day at a time or one month at a time. I would like to say I will do it one day at a time, but honestly, that may be to much for me to keep up with along with everything else in my life. One month at a time may be a more realistic gal for myself. That's whats great about this kit...I can decide AND I can even change my mind a few months down the road without it interferring with the flow of the album!! LOVE IT!!!!
So, with this kit I'm on the road to one of my new years resolutions....Bringing scrapbooking back into my life!
Friday, January 1, 2010
Banging in The New year
For the first time we let the kids stay up until midnight to celebrate New years.
At midnight we went out onto our court with pots.......
a colander...........
and wooden spoons to bang in the new year.
The Countessa was not willing to participate in the banging or even in a group photo (That's her running for Daddy)
Our Neighbors thought it was hysterical and came out to take pictures too. We live on a small court with only 5 other houses and my kids are the youngest on the court. All the other "kids" on our court are either pre-teens, teens or college kids.
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