I haven't participated in Five Question Fridays over at My Little Life in awhile, but decided to join in today............Here are the questions.......join in too!!!
1. If you could have any talent and turn it into an occupation, what would it be?
I would have to say scrapbooking. I have scrapbooked for years and truly love it. It would be great to make a little money doing it!!
2. Would you rather have a house at the beach or a cabin in the woods?
Cabin in the woods!! I love the smell of trees. The ocean scares me!
3. Is there any meaning or reasoning for the names you chose for your child/children?
My Boy shares a middle name with my Hubby, which is my hubby's grandfathers name. As for his first name we just liked it.
The Countessa's name, both first and middle are uniquely hers.
The Duchess...now don't laugh......her first name came from a Disney movie....When I was pregnant Hubby was SOOOO confident we were having a boy, he wouldn't discuss girl names. When she was born Hubby was STUNNED!! He said "What are we going to name her?" I told him he had two choices...both from the Disney movie Aristocats, and he choose which he liked better. Her middle name is uniquely hers.
The Princess had one name for two hours after her birth, then we changed it. We changed it to a name Hubby liked much more, which also happens to be my Great-Great Grandmothers name. Her middle name is my stepfathers last name. He had passed away a year before she was born.
4. What is your guilty pleasure? (I know we've done this one before, but I'm guessing people's "guilty pleasures" change frequently. At least, mine do!)
Currently that would be Halloween candy! Namely Milk Duds!
5. Do you live in a house that is deep cleaned or straightened?
Staightened daily, deep cleaned once a month. I just don't have time to REALLY clean everyday. I always do a deep clean the last weekend of the month.
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