For today how about a little 5QFriday

You can play along too, visit My Little Life
1. What is your current favorite book, and why? I haven't been doing much reading latley, but my Fav is the Outlander series.
2. Do you go to the dentist regularly? YIKES!! Ok, seriously..........I have NEVER been to the dentist. (bow's head is shame)
There are a number of reasons for this......I grew-up in a very poor family and we couldn't pay the cost. Then when I was older, I was barley making ends meet and there was no $$ left for dental or even medical care. Then I had kids and I make sure to take them every 6 months.....which in turns leaves no $$ left for me or hubby. Excuses I know, but it's the truth. (walks away in shame)
3. What is your worst memory from High School? I would have to say my worst memory was finding out my boyfriend asked my best friend on a date.....she declined and immediatley called me.....but the impact was the same as if she had accepted. It sent me into such a tail spin......resulting in an eating disorder that took me years to recover from. I was a sophmore in High School. Although because of that event, I met my Hubby the follow year...almost exactly to the date, and have been madly in love with him for the past 21years!! So I guess you could say the worst was for the best.
4. What do you hope to be remembered for in your life? I hope to be remembered period! So many people pass away and are forgotten. We had inscribed on my step fathers tombstone the following phrase.........."Move on, be brave, dont' weep at my grave, just please don't ever let your memories of me fade" That pretty much how I feel.
5. Are you superstitious or do you have any superstitions? Yes and No. I don't fear I will break my mothers back if I step on a crack and the number 13 is one of my favorites. I'm not afraid of black cats crossing my path or of open an umbrella inside. However, I will not break a mirror, walk under a ladder and if I spill salt I toss it over my shoulder. I ALWAYS say "God Bless You" when someone sneezes and I say "God Bless Me" when I sneeze.
Enjoyed reading your answers! Mine are at By the way, your kids are adorable!
great answers. aren't high school memories fun... NOT! thanks for stopping by my blog
Love that tombstone quote, so true. Hope you can stop by and read my answers and enter my giveaway!
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