Join the fun!!
1. Have you ever forgotten your child in a store or at school?
Store-NO, School-YES........three times!!!!!! The Countess will never let me live it down!
2. Where did you go on your very first date? (Like...first first, not first with your spouse or current significant other!)
I was in the 4th grade and my mom took me and my "boyfriend" to the mall.....we held hands.. :-)
3. What's your "silly" fear? (We're not talking water and heights.)
I fear being poked with a pin, like a thumb tack..........I actually start to panick. Hubby thinks it's hysterical to chase me with a thumb tack.
4. Confrontation: do you cause it, deal with is as it comes, or run far far away?
Depends.............I'm not one to back down when I think I've been wronged in someway, but I also don't go out of my way to cause a confrontation,
5. Wood floors or carpet?
Wood floors!!! My last house had wall-to-wall carpet, my house now has wall-to-wall hardwood.........I'll never go back!!

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