As I muck my way through my 41st year of live, I've been thinking back on the shows that were a major part of my growing up years. Many have a very special place in my heart while others invoke a cherished memory.

The Brady Bunch (1969-1974)
Even though this show began airing 3 years before I was born and I was only 2 when it ended it's run I LOVED this show!!! When I think back on the shows of my childhood this is THE NUMBER ONE!!!! Even if I only watched it in reruns!!! My kids have watched this on occasion and they laugh hysterically at the groovy fashions!!

The Waltons (1971-1981)
I watched this show all the time with my sisters. I wanted to BE Elizabeth Walton!!
This show brings to mind being cuddled up in a blanket laying on my sisters bedroom floor watching this show and it being a "rule" you were only allowed to talk during commercials.
Sanford and Son (1972-1977)
While I was born in 1972, I remember my Mom and Step-Dad watching
this show when I was about 4-5yrs old. I loved the sarcastic Fred Sanford! This show still makes me laugh today when I stumble upon it while channel surfing!

All in the Family (1971-1979)
This was a show my Step-dad loved. I can still hear his laughter echoing through the house and he watched the cantankerousness Archie Bunker and his ditsy wife. Brings a smile to my face. :-)

Good Times (1974-1979)
I was 2 when this show began it's run and 7 when it ended. I LOVED J.J.!!
The Jeffersons (1975-1985)
This was a show my Mom loved. This is also a show that brings warm memories back to me. I would cuddle with my Mom on the couch and watched this show together......often times with me draped across her lap and her scratching my back!!

What's Happening (1976-1979)
I was 4yrs old when this show first aired and 7yrs old when it ended it's run.
I can remember always watching this show with my big brother.
I loved Rerun!! I thought Raj's sister Dee was a brat!!

Diff'rent Strokes (1978-1986)
"Whatchoo Talkin 'bout Willis!"
Again a show I watched with my big brother!
Today my brother can stil say this phrase to me and I crack-up every time! I'm surprised to learn this show ran until 1986.....I was 14!! I don't really recall watching it past the age of 10.....
The Price is Right (1972-current)
Yes this too was a show I ALWAYS watched when I was home sick from school. It was my favorite part of being sick!!

The Facts of Life (1979-1988)
Oh My! Again this show was one I never missed when it was on. I loved Jo.
Watching Lisa Welchel on Survivor this past season was fun too.
And yes even at the age of 16 I was still a Facts of Life die hard fan!

Petticoat Junction (1963-1970)
OK granted this show ended its run 2 years before I was born, it was a show I would watch in reruns when ever I was home sick! Much like the memories of the Price is Right, it was my favorite part of being home sick!

CHiPS (1977-1983)
This was another show I watched mostly with my brother and LOVED!

One Day at a Time (1975-1984)
I watched this ALL the time with my sisters! Great Show!
Three's Company (1974-1986)
I loved the goofy antics of Jack. GREAT show!

Eight is Enough (1977-1981)
I watched this with my sisters. I had a MAJOR crush on David Bradford!!

The Love Boat (1977-1987)
This was mine and my sister T's favorite show!
I can remember thinking how great it would be to work on a cruise ship!!

Fantasy Island (1977-1984)
As much as this show would creep me out some times I LOVED it!!!
"Da Plane! Da Plane!"

Happy Days (1974-1984)
Another show I watched frequently with my brother.
This show simply makes me smile!

Knots Landing (1979-1993)
While this really isn't a "kid" show that did not stop me from watching it with my sisters.
And I must admit....I wish I could find it on demand!! LOVED, LOVED, LOVED this show!
I'd take this show over Dallas any day of the week and twice on Tuesday!!
Of course there were countless other shows that aired during my childhood, many I did watch, the ones listed here were the ones I remember most and the ones that have a special place in my heart!!
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