As I mentioned in my very first post, my goal with this blog is to make myself accountable for getting my home (and life) a bit more organized. To do this I have been giving myself one major task per day to accomplish by the time I go to bed. This can be something as simple as getting laundry finished, or something more time consuming like cleaning out and organizing my fridge....(not a task I look forward to, but will do none-the-less.)
Each Tuesday I will document one of my completed tasks....My Tuesday Task.
Today let me introduce you to my Hall Closet/Linen Closet. As it appeared just days ago.....

This is how it has looked for the better part of a year. When opening the door you were taking your life in your never knew what was going to jump out and bite you. As for finding what you were looking for, you had best set aside a good 10 minutes for searching.
On Sunday I completely emptied the closet out, wiped down shelves and put it all back together in just under an hour. Huge pat on the back to myself for that accomplishment!! And "Thanks" to my Royal Sister for taking the Royal Rugrats out for the afternoon, leaving me uninterrupted time!! Yeah!! THAT does not happen often!
So Here is my hall closet/linen closet as it looks at this very moment.....

Now, if I can keep it this way, I will have REALLY accomplished something!!