Pride and Prejudice is the best movie ever!! Which version is your favorite??Happy FMM!
My favorite version is with Kiera Knightly. I've watched it more times than I can count. LOVE IT!!!
I picked P&P too! and I totally agree that the 2005 version is the best-it all fit exactly what I've pictured in my mind since I was little.Great choice (hee hee)! Hope you had a great FMM =)
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Pride and Prejudice is the best movie ever!! Which version is your favorite??
Happy FMM!
My favorite version is with Kiera Knightly. I've watched it more times than I can count. LOVE IT!!!
I picked P&P too! and I totally agree that the 2005 version is the best-it all fit exactly what I've pictured in my mind since I was little.
Great choice (hee hee)! Hope you had a great FMM =)
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