My sweet puppy is in bad shape. A week ago he was bit by a Brown Recluse Spider. On Tuesday he under went a two hour surgery to remove the dead and dying tissue from his back leg. Currently he is on two pain killers, two antibiotics and a sedative to keep him calm for the next TWO WEEKS!!!!!!
The vet had to keep his incision partially open so it can drain, but this makes it more dangerous and we have to be VERY careful he doesn't pop the stitches he does have. If that happens he will need another surgery. As it is he may still need the second surgery if his tissue continues to die off.
If you are wondering how we know it was a Brown Recluse it is because we found the spider in his dog house.
I am so sad for this sweet boy who is such a love, he won over every staff member at his vet clinic this Tuesday. His vet was very upset and stressed to us how severe his injury is.
Ewww - brown recluse suck! My friend got bitten in the leg. Took months for it to heal, but I'm sure you've heard all this. Best wishes and biscuits for the baby doll dog. Love those labs.
ps - your kids are cuties too.
OH MY GOODNESS!!! I am sending good thoughts, prayers and positive vibes your way. Those spiders are so scary and I am so sorry for your poor baby. Hang in there puppy!!!!
Just stopping by to say:
"Hope your Puppy Dog gets better soon"
Hi, Hillary. Sorry to hear about your doggie!!! You don't know me, but I read a comment that I think you might have left on Pioneer Woman's blog on her camera givaway post about freezing cinamon rolls... was that you? If it was you, I was wondering if you could tell me at what stage you put them in the freezer - before rising or before baking???
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