Play along at MannLann5
1. What is YOUR definition of sexy? I have to say watching my hubby with my girls. I love it when he lets them do his hair...hairclips and all. I also love that he is still wearing the friendship braclets thye made him for Father's Day.........this was their first time making them and they are VERY colorful!
2. Would you rather clean up puke or change a poopy diaper? After two weeks of the stomach flu going through my house, I politley decline to answer..............I've done my fair share of booth lately!!!
3. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Definetly an introvert. I need alone time daily to simply recharge and regroup myself.
4. If you had to give up one of your 5 senses for a year..which one would you give up? Taste for two reasons...1.I'm not a good eater and find it hard to swallow many foods...vegies, fruit and such. And 2. I think after a time eating with no sense of taste would make eating boring, therefore I would eat less....my love handles would be very thankful.
5. Cake or Pie? Cake.......White with buttercream frosting!! MMMMMmmmmmm......
6. If you could play any character on TV (old or current) who would you play? Gosh, I can't really think of anyone! I watch mostly reality shows and I certainly don't want to be any of those wack-jobs. So digging back in my mind I would have to say Paige Matheson from Knots Landing..remember that show??...LOVED it!!!
8. The highlight of my day is....? When all my laundry is done....washed folded AND put away!! Makes for a happy Mamma!!!
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