Join in on Getting to Know You Sundays hosted by MannLann5
1. If you had to choose a country to live in besides USA (or the country you live in), which would it be? I would LOVE to live in Scotland or England. I've never been to either but I'm a history nut and the amount of history and old castles..... Oh I would be in heaven!
2. Which would be worse, wearing flip flops in the snow or wearing gloves in the summer? Gloves in summer!! I HATE being hot!
3. Fried or Bake and why? If I'm being totally honest....FRIED!!! Fried foods are "feel good" foods for me. I'll take fried chicken over baked chicken any day of the week and twice on Sundays!
4. If you were an entertainment reporter, which celeb would you love to interview and why? Julia Roberts. I love her personality. I tink she would be a fun interview.
5. What was your favorite book as a preteen/teenager? I wasn't a reader growing up so I can't think of anything. I love to read now though........Outlander Series!!!!!!
6. List your top 3 guilty pleasure television shows. In no particular order.............Real Housewives of New Jersey, Americas Got Talent and Wife Swap.
7. What bumper sticker slogan best describes you/your attitude/your life? "Have a Nice Day!" said and implied in MANY differnt ways from genuin to extremly sarcastic.
8. If you were to join a circus - what performer would you be? A clown. Although I find clowns a little disturbing I would, and do, love to run around and act silly.
In other news.........
I'm officially a college student....again!! Yeah Me!!! I have decided, after many months of thought, to return to earn my teaching degree to teach elementary school.
I went to college after high school and earned a degree in Early Childhood Development and worked in that proffesion for 10 years prior to having my twins. Once they were born I stopped working to focus on raising my family, with the intent to go back and earn my Elementary Teaching Degree once they were in school full time.
Well, then I ended up having two more kids and that plan got set back further. Now that The Princess is starting kindergarten and will be in school 5 days a week, I deceded now was the time!
Hubby is behind me 100% and I love him all the more for it!!
I start classes August 16..........I'm a bit nervous, but VERY excited!!!
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