Stop by My Little Life and link up with your 5QF
1. Have you ever had surgery?
Yes, a few..................3 c-sections, a hernia repair and a tummy tuck. The tummy tuck was by far THE WORST!!!
2. Ever ride in an ambulance?
Yes, twice.....once as a passenger and once as a patient.
The first time was when I was 4yrs old and was hit by a car. I don't remember the ambulance ride as I had gone into shock from my injuries........Remember kiddies ALWAYS look both ways before riding a bike into the street!!
The second was last Mother's Day when The Princess was taken by ambulance to the hospital and admitted for severe bacterial phnuemonia.
3. How are you in a medical emergency? Panicked? Calm?
Well, I've only been in to medical emergencies and I was calm both times, well if you call laughing uncontrollably "calm". Hubby fell down our back steps while taking out the trash one night and severly tore tendions in his ankle...I couldn't stop laughing, even though I was calm and helping him and taking him to the ER, I just couldn't stop laughing at the image of him covered in trash....still makes me laugh.
The other was again last Mother's Day. I was totally calm through everything, but once The Princess was settled in her hospital room and she was sleeping peacfully...I fell apart!!
4. Do you have a garden? Flowers or veggies?
That would be a big fat NOPE!! I loath gardening!! I have a thing about my hands getting dirty....and gloves just make it worse!! Although we attended open house at school the other night and my kids each brought home a sunflower and a sugar pea plant they had started and Hubby helped them plant them in the back yard...does that count??
5. When did you move out of your parents house?
Well I moved out twice............the first was when I was 19, Hubby and I rented a small house together, then I lost my job and couldn't afford my portion of the rent anymore, so we both moved back home to our parents. The second time I was 23 and Hubby and I had bought our first house.

Wow....hit by a car!
You have a beautiful family!
I'm a new follower from 5 ques Friday.
Amy's Life @
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