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1. What is one thing you have too many of in your house?
I really seem to have too much of everything!! Although currently I would have to say towels.
I know, your thinking "Towels?"
It seems my towels have procreating lately, because I tell you....I can not go into ANY room of my house and find any less then 3 towels....usually balled up and wet on the floor!!! GRRRR!!!
The really funny thing about this is.......there NEVER seems to be a towel when I need to take a shower!!!!
2. Did anything go not quite as planned on your wedding day?
Yes, but only I and one of my bridesmaid knew of the issue.
I had requested a particular DJ for my wedding, the same DJ that had been at said bridesmaids wedding just two months before.
When my new hubby and I arrived for our reception we were greeted by a DJ I had not requested, and who I did not particularly care for!!
However, I did not allow the DJ debacle to ruin my day, I was waaaaayy to happy!!!
3. What is your favorite summer smoothie recipe?
I'm not really a fan of smoothies...................brain freeze people!!
But, on the rare occasion I do have one it usually strawberry.
4. What is the weather like where you are?
Well, we have been having not so pleasant heat waves on and off for weeks now. Today it's expected to reach high 80's, which is about 20 degrees cooler than it has been.
5. What is your favorite book to read to your kids?
I love reading them the Magic Tree House books. We love the adventures and I love the history they teach the kids.
I'll gladly take temps in the 80's. I never thought of having too many towels, but you're probably right. If every towel in my house were laundered and put away, there probably wouldn't be room for them all. I have way too many dishes...same as towel situation. Have a great weekend. Enjoy that "cool snap" : )
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