1. Favorite website Pioneer Women
2. Favorite color PINK
3. Facebook? {Post a link or share your name if you want some new Facebook friends!} NO!!!!!!!!! I was being stalked on Facebook by a former classmate. Be careful ladies!!!!!
4. Favorite Christmas song? Winter Wonderland
5. Christmas tree: Real or fake? REAL!!!
6. Hottest celebrity? Harrison Ford
7. Favorite restaurant? A Local one called Buena Cerra. It burned down a few years ago, but nothing has replaced it as my fav yet.
8. Favorite magazine? Any Scrapbook mag
9. Favorite thing to drink around the holidays? Diet Coke
10. Favorite Christmas movie. A Christmas Story....."You'll shot your eye out!!"
Oh isn't Pioneer Woman the best?! She was the first blog I started reading 3 years ago. Great list!
HAPPY FMM!!! great list
I love Pioneer Woman too! You have a beautiful family!
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