Here are the questions for today...
1. How much time do you spend on the computer a day? Maybe an hour, sometimes alittle more. It really depends on wat's going on in my real life that day.
2. Will you pay for your children's college or raise them to pay for their own way? Just this last fall Hubby and I opened 529 College Funds for each of our kids.
3. Have you ever been in a car accident? Yes, Three. My mom and I were hit at low speed when a car was backing out of there driveway and didn't see us; no one was hurt. Another one when I was 7 or 8 we were in an accident on the freeway. The car infront of us ran out of gas and we hit it an da car hit us from behind. No one was seriously hurt, aside from my aunt splitting her lip open. And the last was when I was in my early 20's I was rearended at a high rate of speed when I was at a dead stop at a red light. I ended up with severe whip-lash.
4. What is your favorite book? I LOVE the Outlander Series by Diana Gabaldon
5. Do you make your bed everyday? I attempt to. I'd say it actaully gets done 4 out of 7 days.
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