I started this blog several months ago for reasons I'm still not sure of. LOL! I felt, at the time, it would be a nice way to share ideas and tips with fellow "mommy bloggers." However, lately I feel like my blog has no direction. As my title states I dabble in a little of this, a little of that and a lot of everything. It's hard for me to decide on one thing to focus on.
I read a lot of various types of blogs....funny blogs, mommy blogs, homeschool blogs, cooking blogs, scrapbook blogs, photography blogs, organization blogs.....and when I think of how my blog fits into any of those catagories I can't say it fits soley into one over another. I guess I just have too many things I would like to share!!
So, I guess what I'm saying is this blog is about all of the things that interest me and the things I find joy in. You can be assured that reading this blog you will read about any of the following on any given day with no rhyme or reason......
*All of my life's "Mommy Moments"...you know the moments when you think to yourself "Are these MY children??!!"
*How I organize and stay organized with 4 kids, a wild dog, and a busy self-employeed husband.
*My attemps at photography and cooking.
*Anything scrapbooking related
* homeschooling finds (I don't homeschool, but I do LOTS of homeschool activities with my kids to enhance their public school curriculm.)
*And pretty much anything else I feel like writing about!
Ultimatley, my blog is about This, That & Everything! I hope you enjoy what you find here.
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